

Electrons Around Atoms

This class was a reinforcement of the last class on atoms. This class ran a bit short on time, but the kids really had fun and I think it would definitely make a great party activity. For the introduction for this class, I went back over the periodic table and what elements are. Then I showed a drawing of an atom and went back over the concept that atoms want to have their negative and positive charges balanced and their outer electron shell full.

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This transitioned to my discussion about molecules. I showed atom diagrams and pictures of salt and water with their crystal forms. Then I showed some cartoon drawings of molecules like oxygen hydrogen peroxide and benzene. Then I showed some cartoon drawings of molecules inside living organisms like sugars, fats, DNA, and finally proteins. At the end of this the kids made molecule models out of uncooked spaghetti, marshmallows, gum drops, grapes, and cherry tomatoes.


Atom Worksheet

The last thing I had the kids do was a worksheet from a science coloring book. Unfortunately, it isn’t in print anymore. The worksheet had drawings of hydrogen, helium and carbon atoms and their square from the periodic table. You had to fill in missing electrons or protons and draw a line from the  atom to the chemical symbol of the three elements.

For more STEAM activities take a look at my Pinterest board.

