This is the second Pokemon party I have put together. The first one was quite a while ago when my daughter was much younger and it had a lot of Pokeball themed foods. This time my daughter wanted to base it off of the England inspired region so she asked for a tea party. I was happy to oblige! I looked up a bunch of different Pokemon for this, but the one I thought was the cutest is Alcremie. I wondered if she could be made of actual ice cream, but in the end I settled on premade marzipan. My daughter made this one. I thought she did an especially good job on the face. She added the color with edible markers that I got from Williams-Sonoma.
Alcremie Cheesecake

As usual I made some decorations for the party. I decided to make a bunch of flower ones. There are a lot of really cute flower ones, but I thought these would be easy enough for me to make with what I had on hand.

There were some other food Pokemon I wanted to make, but I ran out of time and I had tons of food already. Maybe next time!