Pokemon Party

This post contains affiliate links. This is my second post from this joint party. I've already written about the DC Superhero Girls elements of this party. You can also find the explanation of the game we played that was based on superheros and Pokemon on that post. Crafts I didn't…

Earth’s Changes

This is the last topic in our unit on heat.  I'm going to do a review game that covers topics based on forces from last term and heat from this term in two weeks. I've already covered seasons in a previous post. This class was about long term changes in…

Eid al-Adha Sheep

Eid al-Adha is a Muslim holiday based on the story of Ibrahim (Abraham in the Bible and the Torah) having a dream that God wants him to sacrifice his son, but God replaces his son with a lamb. This holiday comes after a one day fast. It is a very…

DC Superhero Girls Party

This post contains affiliate links. This party was part of a joint Superhero - Pokemon party. I'm going to do this post in two parts, with this post being mostly about the superhero stuff. First, the food. Food I've made this jelly (Jell-o) before for a Batman party, but this…

Cells and the Food Chain

This article contains affiliate links. In this class I went through how energy from the sun is involved in the food chain. I needed to go over what cells are since I hadn't done that yet. I had the kids make plant cells at the end of class because we…

Heat and Animals

This article contains affiliate links.   This term the topic is heat, and I've gone through some concepts that relate to physics, chemistry, and geology. Now I'm moving on to biology! Earth's Temperature The first thing I went through in this class was the reason that Earth has seasons. The…

Geology Rocks!

This week I moved to a topic somewhat related to heat, geology. The kids were all going on a trip to some caves this week, so I wanted to talk about some of the things they would be seeing there. For this class, I talked to the kids about the…

Reversible and Irreversible Change

Chemistry This class covers reversible and irreversible changes. This is an introduction to chemical reactions. If this topic is for older kids, you may want to discuss it as reactions that only have one direction and go to completion. Exothermic reactions like combustion fall into this category. Many reactions like…
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