Element Crafts

This article contains an affiliate link. It's the start of a new school year in America! I thought I'd do an educational post to celebrate. Today's post is all about elements. Elements make up everything in the universe and they are arranged on the periodic table into groups with similar…

Finding Dory Cake

I finally got to see Finding Dory! It was similar to Finding Nemo, so if you liked that movie I think you will like this one. There are a lot of flash backs of Dory remembering her parents and I liked to see how they were with Dory as a…

Num Noms Crafts

This post contains affiliate links. The second series of Num Noms is coming out in June! If you haven't heard of these, they are very cute blind boxed toys that stack on top of each other. The first series was all cupcake tops and ice cream scoops, but the second…