Element Crafts

This article contains an affiliate link. It's the start of a new school year in America! I thought I'd do an educational post to celebrate. Today's post is all about elements. Elements make up everything in the universe and they are arranged on the periodic table into groups with similar…

Tree Costume

It's book week in Australia! Halloween isn't really celebrated widely in schools the way it is in America, but kids do still get to dress up in costumes once a year. They all dress like book characters on day this week. Here is the costume I made this year from…

Moana Necklace

This article contains affiliate links. Moana is the next Disney movie and it will be out in November 2016 in the US and Boxing Day in Aussie and NZ. I am really excited about this movie! Some images from the film have started to come out and I noticed Moana…

Charm Bracelets

Traditional Silver Charm Bracelet Modern Charm bracelets started to become more popular when Queen Victoria of England (ruled 1837-1901) started wearing them. Queen Victoria set many trends including celebrating Christmas with decorated evergreen trees which spread throughout Europe and to the United States. If you are ever find yourself in…